
Product description

TBPAMove is a DAW plugin for creating rhythmic filter, gain and pan effects.

TBPAMove consists of two independent filters and a high-resolution oscilloscope.

Each parameter of the filter (resonance, cutoff, gain and pan) can be controlled by DAW automation and a modulator.

The DAW automation can be customized (delayed, smoothed and mixed with default setting).

The modulation types can be side-chain, LFO, step sequencer or multi-stage envelope generator.


  • 2 independent filter with resonance, cut-off, gain pan controls
  • various filter types (e.g. low pass, high pass, peak and shelf)
  • serial and parallel processing
  • 8 independent modulators
  • side-chain modulator
  • LFO modulator
  • step sequencer modulator
  • multi-stage envelope generator
  • multiple randomization options
  • AHR envelopedelay of parameter changes
  • smoothing of parameter changes with low aliasing
  • VST3 sample accurate automation data processing
  • large oscilloscope with audio and parameter envelope display
  • GUI scale
  • 64-bit internal processing
  • demo version available



The filter section provides the controls for the two independent filters, gain and pan. Additional there are controls for the DAW automation and signal processing.


The oscilloscope shows the live input/output audio signal and the selected parameter curve. The x and y axis can be zoomed.


The side-chain modulator normalizes the side-chain signal and adds it to the attached filter parameter. The internal normalized signal can be further processed by e.g. AHR envelope, delay and smooth function.


The LFO creates a normalized signal to control the attached filter parameter. It includes a randomization switch.

Step Sequencer

The step sequencer creates a normalized signal to control the attached filter parameter.

It works with steps and sub-steps that create rhythmic patterns in a very musical way. 

If you set the steps/sub-steps to 4-/4/4/4 you get a “normal” 16 beats step sequencer.

The step sequencer provides access to step level, gate-time and probability. It features several randomization possibilities.


The multi-stage envelope generator creates a normalized signal to control the attached filter parameter based on multiple splines.

It works with steps and sub-steps that create rhythmic patterns in a very musical way. 

If you set the steps/sub-steps to 4-/4/4/4 you get a “normal” 16 beats step sequencer.

The MSEG features several randomization possibilities.


  • Version: 1.1.3
  • Last update: 24.02.2025
  • PDF manual: Download
  • Changelog: View

Buy now

€ 39.00
﹡VAT may apply based on your location.

Important notes:

Before downloading and installing please check the system requirements!

Demo version versus Registered version:
In demo mode (without registering) the plugin mutes audio every 90 seconds for a short period. This could be circumvented by clicking on the "TBProAudio" logo within 90 seconds.

After installation product is in demo mode and needs to be activated. Please follow the steps described in the manual or here.

Before any purchase please test the product, read and accept the terms listed here.


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