
Wideband Stereo Compressor
Impress is a wideband stereo compressor including side-chaining,
various prefilter options and state-of-the-art over sampling.

The goal of the design was to cover a broad range of compression applications in today's mixing and mastering situations with strong focus on low aliasing. So, Impress could be used to shape subtle a snare sound, glue different tracks on instrument bus and even do complex tasks like deessing or voice over's.

Welcome to TBProAudio

TBProAudio develops audio plugins which help music producers to do their
job quicker and better. We are using the latest algorithms and standards (e.g. EBU R128) to enable our customers to deliver the best quality.

Our tools are developed by musicians for musicians.

News & updates

September 20, 2024
Impress3 released

TBProAudio has released Impress3. 


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